Public perception toward a message or content of a news is deeply influenced by the social media themselves, either strong or weak. Hostility perception in social media is quite different from that in psychology as the latter states that someone tends to interprete an information or news to support his or her own opinion rather than someone else’s opinion. The phenomenon of hostility caused by expressions of hatred in the media is not new in Indonesia. This study aims to examine whether the utterance of hatred on a media can be utilized by companies in getting profits. The method used in this research is literature study by collecting various sources related to research. The results in this study indicate that hostility in the media does not benefit a company.
Public perception toward a message or content of a news is deeply influenced by the social media themselves, either strong or weak. Hostility perception in social media is quite different from that in psychology as the latter states that someone tends to interprete an information or news to support his or her own opinion rather than someone else’s opinion. The phenomenon of hostility caused by expressions of hatred in the media is not new in Indonesia. This study aims to examine whether the utterance of hatred on a media can be utilized by companies in getting profits. The method used in this research is literature study by collecting various sources related to research. The results in this study indicate that hostility in the media does not benefit a company.
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