• Tanti Handriana
  • Praptini Yulianti
  • Shella Kurniawati Romadlon


One effect of the increasing number of Muslims in the world is an increase in demand for halal products. This study aims to analyze the antecedents of consumer behavioral intention to purchase halal products. Data collection from 206 respondents, namely Muslims who were already mature. Multiple linear regressions used in this study. From the study results, five of the six hypotheses tested were stated to be supported, namely product quality, personal societal perception, religious belief, halal awareness and halal certification had a significant influence on consumer intentions to buy halal products. Meanwhile, brand perception does not affect consumers' intention to buy halal products. The results of this study also indicate that halal awareness is the main determining variable in influencing consumers’ intention to buy halal products.


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How to Cite
HANDRIANA, Tanti; YULIANTI, Praptini; ROMADLON, Shella Kurniawati. ANTECEDENTS OF CONSUMER BEHAVIOR INTENTION TO PURCHASE HALAL PRODUCTS. Asian Journal of Behavioural Sciences, [S.l.], v. 1, n. 2, p. 1-8, dec. 2019. ISSN 2710-5865. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 13 sep. 2024.