Examining the Impact of Organizational Commitment on Job Stress and Turnover Intention in The Malaysian Hotel Industry
The hotel sector has played a significant role in supporting Malaysia's economic growth by providing accommodation to tourists and complementing the tourism industry. However, Malaysia has experienced high turnover rates in the hotel industry. Therefore, it is essential to conduct research to address this issue. This study aims to examine the impact of job stress on turnover intention among hotel employees and explore whether organizational commitment acts as a mediating factor in this relationship. This quantitative cross-sectional study collected primary data from 107 employees working in hotels in Kuala Lumpur and Ipoh using convenience sampling. The collected data was analysed using various statistical techniques in the SPSS statistical package. The results indicated that job stress was a significant predictor of turnover intention, but organizational commitment did not have a mediating effect in this relationship. The study raises awareness among employers in the hotel industry regarding the impact of job stress on their employees. Consequently, the discussion and implications section offer several suggestions to address this problem.
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