Influencing Factors on the Community Participation in Food Waste Separation
Solid waste management is one of the environmental issues which contributes to negative externalities such as health hazards, pollution, and global warming. In Malaysia, it is reported that 45% of municipal solid waste is from food waste and household makes up about 65% of food waste. In solid waste management, community participation plays an essential role in ensuring the effective and the success of policies and programs implemented by the government. Therefore, the community is responsible for participating directly in the waste hierarchy, the most preferred action in the waste diversion, which is to separate the amount of food waste at home. In this study, the objectives are to identify the factors influencing the intention of a community to participate in food waste separation in solid waste management in Rantau, Negeri Sembilan. A sample of 377respondents from Rantau households are given a survey regarding the study. The findings of the research indicated that there are significant and positive relationships between all independent variables and dependent variable. Besides, attitude is recognized to be the most significant factor that influenced the intention of the community to participate in food waste separation. Also, the study has shown that there is a high level of the intention of the community to perform food waste separation at home. In conclusion, the research has successfully achieved all the objectives and thus requires the government, local municipal council and non-governmental organizations (NGO) to generate more ideas to encourage the community to practice food waste separation at home based on the identified variables in the study.
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