An Analysis of Civil Staff Members' Emotional Intelligence on A Systematic Review
The aim of this study is to ascertain how well-versed civil servants are in emotional intelligence (EI). Civil servants are a crucial component of successful enterprises and nations. The emotional balance has been identified as a human resource component that can affect employee achievement and, as a result, drive organisational success. As a result, their emotional stability among one must be properly handled. The reviewers employed the PRISMA methodology, which comprises data abstraction and analysis, inclusion and exclusion criteria, steps of the review process (identification, screening, and eligibility), and resources (Scopus and Web of Science) used to conduct the systematic review. Additional analysis of these publications revealed four main themes: performance, sector, organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB), and social psychology, as well as nine sub-themes: productivity, job satisfaction, health staff, attitude, engagement, commitment, understanding emotion, emotion labour, and interaction. 16 papers were successfully obtained after the review. The majority of the conclusions in the reviewed articles came from investigations that tested their variables using partial least squares (PLS-SEM), an empirical data analysis method. A qualitative method article was also chosen, and it corroborated the general conclusions of this systematic review. 16 papers were successfully obtained after the review. According to the analysis, civil officials are an important asset for prosperous businesses and governments. It has been determined that emotional balance is a factor in human resources that can influence employee performance and, as a result, propel organisational performance. As a result, the company must effectively handle and manage employee emotional stability.
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