The Acceptance of Instagram Contents as a Source to Improve Self-Motivation Among Young Adults in Malaysia
Online social networking has transformed communication in today’s era. The rise of digital communication brings new phenomenon in the form of human communication with the existence of social media such as Instagram. Instagram contents are varied; entertaining, educational and some are motivational. In particular, users are interested in Instagram contents to increase motivation generated by using quotes. Instagram concept of posting images with descriptions make Instagram users to view and like the contents that lead to the psychological traits such as confidence, courage and self-motivation. This paper attempts to examine the acceptance of Instagram contents as a source to improve self- motivation among young adults in Malaysia. Quantitative design is applied where a total of 312 respondents of Instagram users who are young adults from UiTM Cawangan Negeri Sembilan, Kampus Rembau had answered a survey to know their acceptance of Instagram contents in elevating their motivation. The survey indicated that inspirational contents on Instagram is the main factor for young adults in boosting their self-motivation. The result shown that inspirational contents on Instagram really did in motivating young adults when they are demotivated yet felt a sense of calmness and relief after reading or viewing the inspirational content on Instagram. This study provides significant implications on people’s live where in this technology and social media era in order to increase the positive effects of social media on emotional well-being. As social media becomes more significant in people’s lives, it is important to know that social media, Instagram is a culture that people rely on as a medium for information and to raise motivations.
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