Multiple VDT Prolonged Exposures: On Fatigue Depression, Ocular Strains of Sleep Management Pre-Liminary Smaller Gerontology Overviews

  • Cassendra Frederick


In line with multiple VDT prolonged exposures and biometric branding communication empowering the lacking conceptual and theoretical framework analysis which has demanded real cases across various entrepreneurship and industries. However, gaps in biological, environmental, ergonomics, chemical, psychological and physiological have impacted the raises of prolonged VDT users link age 18-45 years old as huge social sciences, environmental health risk potentiality for gerontology population. Thus, capturing more humanitarian development among adolescent and university students at residential, organization and public university as study location from 2015-2021. Therefore, 6 multiple intervention testified that VDT users’ prolonged 2-14 hours link age 18 – 45 years old prevalent level of FD, OS SD through ½ (OSDI) and 1h (Biometric)((DASS)(Microsoft software 2019 / Microsoft team 365 / Gmail / Google meet / zoom / YouTube) catered huge gaps in research assessment among adolescent and university students’ population should be given a primary investment for the institution or knowledge debtor? As common social norms, they did not stick to their promises, provider cut off but still challenged to pay up. Moreover, students’ future debts intimidating health risk and sustainability care elevation for adolescence and university students’ constraints are sampled in 3 location based on cross sectional self-administered and systematic reviews. Thereby, there is an urgent need for the concept of appropriate prevention care. The physical or cognitive exercise can be having positive provider for VDT users’ exposure communication branding in the environment. Despite limitations sample size not representing whole population but datasets are still valid provided the risk assessment level availability N:20 indicator for the occupational health risk age 30-32 years old resulted as 12.724, with 8-14 hours duration of VDT use per day. The odd ratio for physical exercise below 10 am age 41-45 years old risk estimation upper level 0.605 and lower level 0.007. Finally, more VDT users’ exposures care, re-assessment for adolescent and university students’ development. Thereby, employment, CSR project management, ICT protection, remuneration, training and academic re-assessment should be improved for adolescent and university students B40 (18-45 years old). 20% subsidies for FD, OS, SD after ME VDT prolonged use effects with sustainability health care improvement for social sciences humanitarian values improvement for the 72% gaps need to be filled up.


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How to Cite
FREDERICK, Cassendra. Multiple VDT Prolonged Exposures: On Fatigue Depression, Ocular Strains of Sleep Management Pre-Liminary Smaller Gerontology Overviews. Asian Journal of Behavioural Sciences, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 2, p. 61-79, june 2021. ISSN 2710-5865. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 sep. 2024.