Pro-environmental Behaviour: A Preliminary Qualitative Study of Green Human Resource Management Practices

  • Hamidah Md Yusop
  • Ainul Azreen Adam


The purpose of this study is to explore the status and key factors of green HRM practices in Malaysia. Further, it proposes a framework that serves as a basis for organizations to build sustainable business practices through green employees. The research was conducted in two phases. Archival research method was used in the first phase, and an interview session method was used in the second phase. In the first phase, an extensive literature review was carried out to gather insights on prevalent green HR activities and their link with employee pro-environmental behaviour (PEB). In the second phase, data were collected from the Malaysian financial institutions to analyse the status of the activities identified in the first phase. This study highlights the status of green HR practices such as green recruitment and selection, green compensation and green health and safety. The findings suggest that there are other aspects of green HRM practices which can be utilized to harness its full potential in encouraging employee PEB in the organizations. The findings also revealed that implementation of green HRM will encourage PEB among employees and will be able to mitigate the increased risk of climate change. This preliminary study suggests a framework for building holistic sustainable organizations by integrating knowledge from green HRM.


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How to Cite
MD YUSOP, Hamidah; ADAM, Ainul Azreen. Pro-environmental Behaviour: A Preliminary Qualitative Study of Green Human Resource Management Practices. Asian Journal of Behavioural Sciences, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 2, p. 38-54, june 2021. ISSN 2710-5865. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 sep. 2024.