Organisational Commitment and Intention to Stay: The Roles of Felt Obligation
The labour market remains severely disrupted as we press on to almost a year of the Covid-19 outbreak. It is challenging to quit a job at the moment, particularly with all the ambiguity during Covid-19 pandemic. Previously, employees were seen to depart from their companies and move to another business almost immediately as there were plenty of job opportunities available on the market. Since recruiting is stalled and competition for vacancies is intense, the retention rate of employees would be influenced in particular by their intention to stay. Intention to stay is determined by various employee behaviours, including, in particular, organisational commitment and felt obligation, as a vital determinant for actual turnover actions. On that note, this study provides an insight into intention to stay by reviewing relevant literature, theoretical foundation and analysis of empirical studies in order to further our understanding on the nomological net between intention to stay, organisational commitment and felt obligation, particularly in the context of during the pandemic. Building on the review, we will develop a potential research agenda that will present on opportunities for theoretical advancement and empirical findings in intention to stay studies.
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