Customer-oriented Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Turnover Intention of Frontline Employees in Hotels: A Preliminary Study

  • Nguyen Thi Ngoc Ly


Customer-oriented organizational citizenship behavior (CO-OCB) has attracted great academic attention in the field of tourism and hospitality management. CO-OCB is a discretionary option for frontline employees, yet significantly affects the service quality of hotels given the industry’s nature of direct contact with customers. On the other hand, the turnover rate is high in hotels, resulting in the importance of understanding the organisms affecting these two job outcomes. Therefore, this paper attempts to review the literature relating to CO-OCB and turnover intention. It also incorporates the Stimulus – Organism – Response theory to propose a conceptual model, presenting the impact of a set of job demand dimensions (Stimuli) on job strain and work engagement (Organisms) and subsequently on CO-OCB and turnover intention (Responses). Moreover, this study conducts a preliminary research to assess the content validation of the proposed measurement scales of the research concepts. Finally, some suggestions for future research are provided.


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How to Cite
THI NGOC LY, Nguyen. Customer-oriented Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Turnover Intention of Frontline Employees in Hotels: A Preliminary Study. Asian Journal of Arts, Culture and Tourism, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 2, p. 7-23, june 2024. ISSN 2710-5830. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 07 feb. 2025.