Service Quality Evaluation of Ancient City Scenic Spots Based on Tourists' Perceptions: An Example of Qingzhou Ancient

  • Yuliang He Universiti Malaysia Sarawak,UNIMAS
  • Qistina Donna Lee Abdullah Universiti Malaysia Sarawak,UNIMAS


Purpose: With the increasing number of ancient cities and towns in China and the fierce competition in the operating environment, managers of scenic spots are aware of the need to maintain high standards of service quality in order to survive. This study uses the SERVQUAL model, modified as the Ancient Town Tourism Service Quality Model, to measure the gap between the perceived and expected service quality of tourists in the context of ancient town scenic areas. The Qingzhou Ancient City Scenic Area is used as a case study because it is rated high among ancient city scenic areas in China. The impact of the dimensions of the model on visitor satisfaction is also investigated.

Research methods: Quantitative research methods, including questionnaire survey and statistical analysis.

Findings: The results show that tourists expressed average satisfaction with the overall service of the ancient city scenic spots. Of the six dimensions of the model, 'historical and cultural', 'assurance' and 'empathy' are the key predictors of visitor satisfaction. The findings are discussed and management implications are elaborated.

Limitations: The framework of indicators developed may have limitations and needs further validation and revision. The statistical data and questionnaires, which do not have a large enough sample size and are more limited in scope, may lead to shortcomings in the generalisability of the analysis.

Practical significance: The construction of a tourism service quality evaluation model for the ancient city, combined with the results of the analysis of service quality in the ancient city of Qingzhou, can promote the scientific management of tourism service quality in the ancient city, improve the quality of tourism services in the ancient city, enhance the competitiveness of tourism in the ancient city, and promote the sustainable development of tourism.

Originality: from the perspective of tourists' service perception, this is the first paper to study the service quality evaluation of the ancient city of Qingzhou tourism scenic spot.

Author Biography

Qistina Donna Lee Abdullah, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak,UNIMAS
About Associate Professor Dr. Qistina Donna Lee Abdullah Qistina Donna Lee Abdullah is an Associate Professor and a Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Applied and Creative Arts, University Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS). She gained her PhD in Office Management System (Event Management) University Technology MARA Malaysia, Master of Management in Arts Management, University Technology Sydney Australia, and Bachelor Degree in Arts Management, University Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS). Qistina launched her career as a Product Development Officer with the Arab-Malaysian Finance Berhad HQ based in Kuala Lumpur before she began her career as an educator in UNIMAS. Qistina developed a strong sense of devotion for arts and management area whereby she is involved mainly in consultancy job which engage with the private sector, state government, GLC and community. Her research area and publications focuses on Leadership, Public Private Partnership, Arts, Culture and Heritage management. Apart from that she is also engaged with the Sarawak Media Group as a Programme Host and TV Anchor for TVS. Qistina committed to her career as she is currently supervising few postgraduate students and average of 40 undergraduate students Internationally and Locally. Her passion towards arts management is verified through few taught courses such as Funding and Sponsorship in the arts, Financial Management in the arts Organization, Arts Law and Policy, Research Methodology and many more. This experience gave her a deep appreciation on how important is her career and self-improvement in determining the future generations.


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How to Cite
HE, Yuliang; LEE ABDULLAH, Qistina Donna. Service Quality Evaluation of Ancient City Scenic Spots Based on Tourists' Perceptions: An Example of Qingzhou Ancient. Asian Journal of Arts, Culture and Tourism, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 2, p. 28-41, june 2023. ISSN 2710-5830. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 07 dec. 2024.