Precarious Work Behaviour on Career Satisfaction
The development of information technology, along with globalisation,
has changed today’s workplace. The impact of dramatic changes in
technology as well as globalisation has led to an increase in precarious
work behaviour. There are positive associations between precarious work
behaviour and career satisfaction. The literature showed satisfaction
with work had exhibited an impressive effect on more worldwide regions,
for example, satisfaction with a career. Therefore, this paper reviews the
literature on precarious work behaviour on career satisfaction. Data were
collected using a questionnaire conducted on online entrepreneurs. The
data were analysed using Structural Equation Modelling (SmartPLS) to
assess the respondents. Results show that precarious work behaviour has
a positive influence on career satisfaction. The findings have implications
for increasing our understanding of precarious work behaviour on career
satisfaction. Implications and conclusions will highlight the challenges
faced by online entrepreneurs.
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