The Usage of Waste Cooking Oil (Wco) In Production of Solid Dishwashing Soap with Split Gill Mushroom (Schizophyllum commune) Extract Addition

  • Zalina Awang Politeknik Jeli Kelantan
  • Nurul Alia Awaluddin Politeknik Jeli Kelantan
  • Nurul Isma Syazwani Rodzi Politeknik Jeli Kelantan
  • Muhammad Amir Faris Mohd Hujani Politeknik Jeli Kelantan


Disposal of waste cooking oil in an improper manner results in environmental pollution. This is very worrying because the disposal of waste cooking oil in waterways or rivers can endanger aquatic life as well as human water resources. This study aims to reduce the pollution of waste cooking oil by making it a solid dishwashing soap with the addition of split gill mushroom (Schizophyllum Commune) extract and to identify the effectiveness of the solid dishwashing soap based on physicochemical test and sensory test. Split gill mushroom extract was included as an additional ingredient because it has beta-glucan which is very good to maintain hand moisture. The physicochemical test result showed the value of total fatty matter (77.4%), total alkalinity (as CaCO3) (8.0%), free fatty acid (0.15%), free alkali (as NaOH) (<0.05%), content moisture (1.9%) and pH (10.34) of the solid dishwashing soap product. For the sensory test, a questionnaire was distributed randomly to 79 respondents at Politeknik Jeli Kelantan. The results were analyzed using SPSS (Mann-Whitney U Test) and it showed a significant difference between SchizoComm solid dishwashing soap and commercial solid dishwashing soap at the level of (p <0.05). Moreover, this SchizoComm product gathers a lot of positive responses from the sensory evaluation in terms of odour, colour, foam, cleaning, moisture, and price compared to commercial dishwashing soap. It is hoped that this SchizoComm Solid Dishwashing Soap product can enter the market and attract the attention of the community in helping to reduce environmental pollution caused by improper disposal of waste cooking oil.

How to Cite
AWANG, Zalina et al. The Usage of Waste Cooking Oil (Wco) In Production of Solid Dishwashing Soap with Split Gill Mushroom (Schizophyllum commune) Extract Addition. Politeknik & Kolej Komuniti Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 1, p. 85-95, nov. 2022. ISSN 0128-2875. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 07 feb. 2025.