Community Extension Project Inquiry for Sustainable Implementation: A Case Study of Cebu Technological University-Argao Campus

  • Ariel L. Ramos
  • Gladys Jane Remolino
  • Teresita Cleopolda B. Sarile


This qualitative exploratory case study attempts to fill the empirical gap concerning the uncharted possibility of further improving the implemented extension project of Cebu Technological University-Argao Campus. Guided by the ethical framework of Creswell, through the focus group discussion and confirmed by observation and analytical memoing, the stories and dreams of the community extension project beneficiaries were captured and served as the case of analysis using the lens of the 4D model of appreciative inquiry introduced by Whitney and Cooperrider. Data were kept trustworthy through evaluative criteria set by Lincoln and Guba and these were deduced thematically using the analytical framework of Braun and Clarke. Findings revealed the best practices of the beneficiaries like knowledge acquisition, information transformation, material utilization, method application, and product marketization and their collective vision for the ideal Dulaw extension project include legal identity, financial and structural independence, and project completeness of which all these are significant inputs for the plan to improve the extension project for sustainability.

How to Cite
RAMOS, Ariel L.; REMOLINO, Gladys Jane; SARILE, Teresita Cleopolda B.. Community Extension Project Inquiry for Sustainable Implementation: A Case Study of Cebu Technological University-Argao Campus. International Journal of Service Management and Sustainability, [S.l.], v. 8, n. 1, p. 155-178, mar. 2023. ISSN 2550-1569. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 oct. 2024. doi: