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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

International Journal of Service Management and Sustainability (IJSMSust) Author Guidelines

Submission of manuscript to the journal is welcomed at any time of the year. Submission should adhere to our guidelines (see the Manuscript Preparation below and the attached Manuscript Template). Authors should submit their original work with intellectual integrity. If the works/words of others are used, they must be appropriately cited. The manuscript submitted should not have been published before in their current or substantially similar form, or be under consideration for any other publication(s) at the same time. The journal is published twice a year (March & September).

Manuscript Preparation

• IJSMSust accepts original manuscript(s) on service management and sustainability. The applications of sciences are encouraged.

• Manuscripts should be typed in single spacing and should not exceed 8000 words in length including references.

• Within the text, scientific names should be in italic. Avoid excessive use of italics to emphasize text.

• For mathematics equation, equation editor must be used. Each equation should end with a period or comma.

• Authors should be consistent in their use of UK English throughout the manuscript. Please use “spell check” and “grammar check” and also get your manuscript proofread before submission.

• Use at least Microsoft Office 97 (PC version).

• All notes should be endnotes and not footnotes. Notes should not be used for bibliographical information. • The paper size should be set at 6” x 9” and the margins should be set at 1” (top), 1” (bottom), 0.8” (left) and 0.6” (right).

• Please do not use page numbers, headers and footers.

• The manuscript should include:

1. Title: The title of your paper should be in Arial 14 pt (capitalize each word), bold, centered, and should not exceed 12 words.

2. Author’s Name and Affiliation: The author’s name (capitalize each word) should be centered, using Times New Roman 10 pt. The author’s affiliation (capitalize each word) should be in italic and centered, using Times New Roman 10 pt followed by the email address.

3. Abstract Heading: The abstract heading should be in uppercase, bold and centered, using Times New Roman 11pt. The abstract should be in italic, justified and must be written in a single paragraph. The abstract should include the objectives, scope, methodology, findings and conclusion of the paper in not more than 200 words. Figures, tables and references should not be cited in the abstract.

4. Keywords: Provide 5-7 keywords (separated by semicolons) in lower case, using Times New Roman 11 pt, justified and should be in italic. Keywords should be chosen to best describe the contents of the paper. The word ‘Keyword’ must be in bold.

5. Subtitles: Subtitle 1 should be in Arial 12 pt, bold and Uppercase. There should be a single spacing between the first paragraph of the text and the Subtitle 1. Text under Subtitle 1 should not be indented. Subtitle 2 must be in Arial 11 pt, bold and capitlaize each word. There should be a single spacing before and after the Subtitle 2. Subtitle 3 must also be in Arial 11 pt, bold and sentence case. There should be no spacing after the Subtitle 3. Text under Subtitle 2 and Subtitle 3 must be indented (tab 0.5”). Text para and text should be in Times New Roman 11 pt.

6. Figures and Tables: Figures and tables must be centered and numbered in bold Arabic numerals. Figure and table captions must be centered, bold, in Arial 9 pt. Captions with figure numbers placed after their associated figures. Captions with table numbers must be placed before their associated tables. Contents of the Figure and table are also in Arial 9 pt. Graphics may be presented in colours. Notes below table in Arial 6pt.

7. Acknowledgments: Acknowledgments should be in Times New Roman 11 pt and may be made to individuals or institutions not mentioned elsewhere in the manuscript, that had made important contributions. It may include the information on the research grant received.

8. References: Citation should be in Times New Roman 11 pt and there should be a single spacing in between each citation. It is important to ensure that all works cited in the text are included in the references. A detailed alphabetical list should be provided at the end of the manuscript. Please use APA Publication Manual, 7 th ed., Washington, DC. The author-date system should be used for in-text citations. Please visit www.apastyle.org for further information regarding APA style referencing.

• In general, the manuscript can be organized in the following order:

Title; Name of authors; Complete postal address of affiliations; E-mail address of the corresponding author; Abstract; Keywords; Introduction; Literature Review; Methodology; Results and Discussions; Conclusions and Recommendations; Acknowledgment; References.

• Manuscripts in Microsoft Word file (virus free) should be submitted electronically to the Managing Editor (Dr Tamoi Ak Janggu) at: ijsms@uitm.edu.my